Inside outsider

Image result for outsider art mentally ill

Picture from MPR News on outsider art.

I am the inside outsider
Indebted to - birth and life - -
For the rent free costly survival here
and life extension year after year.
For the consistent untruly hopes from dears
and false myths to keep away fears.

I am the inside outsider
Blind, deaf and dumb–
I see deceit others and I wear
but life is the brightest lie, one can only - stare.
Ocean of lies I say and hear
but life is the widest lie, one can only - bear.

I am the inside outsider
I am not of this land, water and air,
Do not know -  I belong -  where?
I found my temporary accommodation here,
A life with some satisfaction, more scare,
Dawning on me, my existence is - -  but mere!

In response to "Outsider art" by Karin gustafson at Imaginary garden with real toads.


  1. You use oxymoron and irony very effectively here, eliciting real compassion. Thanks for participating. (This is Karin--I'm having a little trouble commenting!) Take care, k.

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful prompt Karin. More thanks for the kind comment :)

  2. I am the inside outsider
    Blind, deaf and dumb–
    I see deceit others and I wear
    but life is the brightest lie, one can only - stare.

    This is soo poignant.

  3. mere is the truth of it...well penned verse.

    1. Well said... thanks for the appreciation, Paul ! :)

  4. I think you have expressed the complexity brilliantly

  5. Well done. I like this, especially:
    "life is the brightest lie, one can only - stare."

  6. Hmmm, very thought-provoking. May the inside outsider find the way home!

    1. Hahaha.. that seems a li'l difficult, at least that's how I see it... we will never be able to answer the questions of "who or what we are and what is our purpose here".... that mystery also accounts partly to the hidden beauty of life :)

  7. I've experienced a bit of this. We live a life of oxymorons these days.

    1. So true, we are now living a more or less deceptive life... all of us!

  8. well crafted; thoughtful; enlightening ~


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