Finding light

MLMM Heeding haiku with Chèvrefeuille (lighthouse)

Life was tired granting her all goodness and wishes. Tremors hit her land sweeping away all that was dear, leaving her all alone. Acceptance does not come easy to us. The strong hills stood behind her, no sooner, beneath her.
The swaying winds brought to her a painful song of the dead, and a wishful invitation. She stepped to the edge, a stone rolled down, a li’l thud and a cry. Her distracted self, ignored the cry that slowly raised louder. The mother in her made a swift turn. Her search ended, grabbing him in her arms. An incentive she wouldn’t want to lose. Composed, though late and hard. Her new journey began.

roaring waves tower,
finding path in the dark sails,
a ship to lighthouse

I am new to writing haibun and have made maximum efforts in crafting this. I welcome criticism whole heartedly! help me learn and write more :)


  1. Great haibun. Nothing wrong with that. The haiku relates nicely!


  2. Very beautifully woven haibun, loved it :)

  3. Very nicely carfted Vijita. A strong haibun, with a strong story-line. Your haiku fits it so well and makes the haibun complete.

    1. Thanks a lot for this clean assessment, made me really happy and undoubtedly, this is encouraging! :)

      will try writing more :)


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