
Image result for bad times make the good times better quotes
picture found on pinterest

If eschatology were to be believed,
Life were to end by now, certainly;
but here; I live and so do you,
something says we’ve eons to spend.
Restlessness steals peace of solitude,
drenched in memories; good and odd;
pushing the seams of wrapped, lost thoughts;
like turning pages of an old read book.
Adversities that bedraggled bonds,
sudden flash of a well-kept secret,
debris of broken hearts from deceived love;
conducts that awarded unfair epithets -
tears flow down of joy and sorrow,
as glimpses from this movie are caught,
I wish some edits could be made,
only if some time could be borrowed!
The air of grief then slowly hummed,
the songs of happiness we sang then;
reminding that the bad whiles spent,
are indeed that keeps other times content.

For Wordle#127 at Mindlovemisery's Menagerie and tuesday platform at Imaginary garden with real toads


  1. I really love those opening lines the way you used eschatology (which isn't a word I have ever actually heard used in real life). I love the introspective nature of this piece

    Restlessness steals peace of solitude



    1. Neither had I heard this word before entering this prompt. Happy to learn more and evolve :) Thanks for the encouraging comment, Amber :)

  2. Yes, 'we' are drenched in memories and there are deceits. It would be hard to make a break now.
    p.s. Mrs. Jim and I have been married 43 years now.

    1. Deception is everywhere...and in all relationships... That's the sad part, however, one that (at times) bring temporary joys :D
      we have to learn to live the moment, the only beautiful philosophy :)

  3. If we can only hold on to that ending line we can get through all the rest! Nice.

  4. I too wish some edits could be made. :)

  5. Restlessness steals peace of solitude,
    drenched in memories; good and odd;
    pushing the seams of wrapped, lost thoughts;
    like turning pages of an old read book.

    Sigh.... beautifully profound!

  6. "glimpses from this movie are caught" that's what it does feel like. Your poem is deep and beautiful.


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