picture found on pinterest If eschatology were to be believed, Life were to end by now, certainly ; but here; I live and so do you, something says we’ve eons to spend. Restlessness steals peace of solitude, drenched in memories; good and odd; pushing the seams of wrapped , lost thoughts; like turning pages of an old read book. Adversities that bedraggled bonds, sudden flash of a well-kept secret, debris of broken hearts from deceived love; conducts that awarded unfair epithets - tears flow down of joy and sorrow, as glimpses from this movie are caught, I wish some edits could be made, only if some time could be borrowed! The air of grief then slowly hummed, the songs of happiness we sang then; reminding that the bad whiles spent, are indeed that keeps other times content. For Wordle#127 at Mindlovemisery's Menagerie and tuesday platform at Imaginary garden with real toads